
1. Rejection of Membership
1) Where the Society refuses to accept the application form (appendix 3) of a member and the payment made by him in respect of membership such as Rs. 250/- as Share Amount and Rs. 100/- as entrance fee, the aggrived person shall apply to the Registrar vide Bye-law No. 175(A), (C) The Registrar will forward the application and other documents to the Society within 30 days. The Society should communicate its decision within 60 days to the applicant* If the Society fails to communicate its decision within the prescribed period the applicant shall be deemed to have become a member of the Society. The Registrar will decide application after giving a reasonable opportunity to all concern parties.
2) Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Society by refusing his admission to the membership, may appeal to the Registrar under the provisions of Section 23(2) of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960. Registrar will communicate his decision to the parties accordingly.

2.Charging of excess amount for Maintenance
A) As per Bye-law No. 13(a) , - the Society should charge Repairs and Maintenance fund at the rate fixed at the General Body Meeting from time to time subject to minimum of 0.75 % per annum of the construction cost of each flat for meeting expenses for normal recurring repairs,
B) For major repairs funds as and when required and decided by the General Body at the rate fixed on area basis. If the Society charging more amount for maintenance and repair as stated above the aggrieved member should file a complaint with the Registrar

3. Rejection of Nomination Paper of Election
A person aggrieved by the rejection of the nomination of a candidate at the Election of a Committee may file an appeal to the Registrar within three days of the date of rejection of the nomination under Section 152 (A) of The Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, I960. The Registrar shall dispose of such appeal within ten days. The decision of the such appeal shall be final and binding on society.
However this decision can be challenged by filing write petition in Honourable High Court.

4.Complaint regarding internal leakages
As per Bye-law No. 160(b) all the internal leakages should be done by the member. If the member fails to do so, the Society should take action as per the provisions of the Bye-law No. 48(a) , (b) and (c) against the concerned member.
Since such dispute falls under Section 91 of The Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, I960, the aggrieved party should refer the same to that Court. (Bye-law No. 175(B) and (C)).

5. Non-Registration of the Housing Society by the Builder Promoter
As per provisions of Rule No. 8 of The Maharashtra Ownership Flats (Regulation of the Promotions of Construction, Sale, Management and Transfer) Act, 1964, the Builder-Promoter shall submit an application to the Registrar for registration of the Society within four months from the date of which the minimum number of persons required to form such Society. If the Builder-Promoter fails to do so, the dispute should be referred to the Civil Court. (Bye-law No. 175 (C) and (A)).

6. Non-execution of Conveyance deed by the Builder
If the Builder fails to convey the Land and building in favour of the Society within the period of four months from the date of registration of the Society, the Society may file an application before District Deputy Registrar Co-operative Societies for getting deemed conveyance.

7. Non Supply of Copies and record and documents
As per Bye-law No. 23, a member has right to get the copies of the document as provided under Section 32(2) of The Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960, on payment of the fees, provided under Bye-law No. 172. If there is complaint against the Society for non supplying the copies of record and other documents the matter should be referred to the Registrar under Bye-law No. 175 (A) and (G).<./

8. Non Registration of Nomination by the Society
The complaint regarding non registering of nomination by the Society may be referred to the Registrar under Bye-law No. 175(A) and (d).

9. Complaint regarding parking of vehicle in the compound of the society
The policy and the procedure of allotment of parking spaces should be followed as per Bye-law No. 78 to 85. Any complaint pertaining to this should be referred to the Co-operative Court vide Bye-law No. 175 (B) and (D).